
Angadi, S.V., and O.J Idowu. “Sustainable Bio-Economy for Arid Regions: Guar Research”. Extension Field Day, Agricultural Science Center, Aug. 2021. Presentations 2021
Angadi, S.V., et al. “Deficit Irrigation Strategies to Fit Desert Crop Guar in the Southern High Plains Cropping Systems”. Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) Annual Meeting (Virtual), June 2021. Presentations 2021
Armijo, J., et al. “Hydrothermal Liquefaction of Hazardous Biomass”. 2021 AICHE Student Annual Meeting, Nov. 2021. Presentations 2021
Brown, K.S. “Fungal Pathogens and Guayule (Parthenium argentatum): Optimizing Crop Production in an Arid Environment”. UA ENViSion Annual UA Earthweek Symposium, Mar. 2021. Presentations 2021
Chen, Y., et al. “Using Network Analysis to Identify Critical Soil Microorganisms Associated With Guayule Growth Stages”. 2021 SBAR Annual Retreat, 2021. Presentations 2021
M., Dehghanizadeh, and C.E Brewer. “Supercritical CO2 Extraction of Resin and Rubber from Guayule (Parthenium Argentatum Gray)”. 2021 AICHE Annual Meeting, Nov. 2021. Presentations 2021
Dehghanizadeh, M., et al. “Testing of Non-Rubber Extracts of Guayule (Parthenium Argentatum) As a Bio-Based Urban Insect Repellent”. Tech Connect World Innovation Conference, Oct. 2021. Presentations 2021
Evancho, B. “Determining Guayule Minimum Nitrogen Requirements”. SBAR UA Research Team Seminar, May 2021. Presentations 2021
B.*, Evancho, et al. “Response by Guayule to Nitrogen Fertilizer in a Semi-Hydroponic System”. American Society for Horticulture Science Annual Conference, 2021. Presentations 2021
Fan, N. “Harvesting Planning for Guayule”. SBAR Research Team Seminar, Sept. 2021. Presentations 2021