Capstone Projects, Thesis, Dissertations

Pruitt, D.J. “Guar Growth and Yield As Affected by Mycorrhizal Colonization, Soil Amendment Applications, and Fertility Management”. Master of Science Thesis, 2021. Capstone Projects, Thesis, Dissertations 2021
Zuniga Vazquez, D.A. “Large-Scale Optimization for Planning of Reliable Power Systems and Design of Sustainable Biomass Supply Chains”. Ph.D. Dissertation, 2021. Capstone Projects, Thesis, Dissertations 2021
J.*, Ledesma, et al. “Associations Between Soil Rhizosphere Bioavailable Phosphorus, Phosphorus Solubilizing Microorganisms, and Guayule Growth Stage and Rubber Production”. Senior Capstone Thesis, 2020. Capstone Projects, Thesis, Dissertations
Knagg, Alix. “Testing of Non-Rubber Extracts of Guayule (Parthenium Argentatum) As a Bio-Based Urban Insect Repellent”. Undergraduate Capstone Honors Thesis, 2020. Capstone Projects, Thesis, Dissertations