Archived Site: The Sustainable Bioeconomy for Arid Regions Center of Excellence is concluding research in early 2023. Only educational resources on this site are being actively updated as of January 2023.
Gloria, T., et al. “Guar: A Potential Alternative Crop in New Mexico”. New Mexico Sustainable Agriculture Science Conference, Dec. 2018. Presentations2018
Gloria, T., et al. “Guar: A Potential Alternative Crop in New Mexico”. Annual SBAR Retreat, Aug. 2018. Presentations2018
Godfrey, D.J., et al. “Vegetative Propagation of Guayule”. 2018 Annual Conference, American Society for Horticultural Science, July 2018. Presentations2018
Godfrey, D.J., et al. “Vegetative Propagation of Parthenium Argentatum (Guayule)”. SBAR Annual Retreat, Won First Place for Undergraduate Posters, Aug. 2018. Presentations2018
Grover, K. “Evaluating Guar for Its Adaptability in New Mexico”. Research and Education Training Workshop, 2020. Presentations2020
Grover, K., et al. “Response of Guar to Various Irrigation Regimes”. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Nov. 2019. Presentations2019
Grover, K., et al. “Growth and Performance of Guar under Various Moisture Stress Regimes”. Western Crop Science Society of America Annual Virtual Conference, 2020. Presentations2020
Singh, J., et al. “Crop Growth Stage Based Deficit Irrigation Management in Guar Crop”. The Western Sustainable Agriculture Conference (WSARE), 2018. Presentations2018
Smith, A., and K.L. Ogden. “Vacuum Distillation of Guayule Resin”. SBAR Annual Retreat (virtual), July 2020. Presentations2020
Sproul, E., et al. “Integrated Environmental and Economic Assessment of Guar and Guayule”. American Center for Life Cycle Assessment (ACLCA) LCA XIX, 2019. Presentations2019