Archived Site: The Sustainable Bioeconomy for Arid Regions Center of Excellence is concluding research in early 2023. Only educational resources on this site are being actively updated as of January 2023.
O, Sun. “Integrating Environmental and Social Impacts into Biomass Supply Chain”. SBAR System Performance and Sustainability Team Seminar. Virtual Meeting Space, 2019. Presentations2019
H.M.*, Summers, et al. “Economic and Environmental Impact Assessments of Drought Tolerant Crops in the American Southwest”. 21st Century Energy Transition Symposium, 2019. Presentations2019
A.*, Wright, et al. “CHNS Elemental Analysis of Guayule and Products”. SBAR Annual Retreat, 2019. Presentations2019
Zuniga Vazquez, D.A. “Two-Stage Stochastic Multi-Objective Optimization for Biomass Supply Chain Integrating Environmental and Social Impacts”. SBAR Annual Retreat, 11–13 Sept. 2019. Presentations2019
Huynh, T., et al. “The Content and State of the In-Vitro Guayule Inventory in Tissue Culture and Opportunities to Improve Our Methods”. Seminar Presentation and Discussion, USDA-ARS WRRC, 2019. Presentations2019
Idowu, O.J., and D Pruitt. “Sustainable Bio-Economy for Arid Regions”. Extension Field Day. Fabian Garcia Research Center, June 2019. Presentations2019
Khanal, S., et al. “The Economic Potential of Producing Guayule in the Southwest”. Department of Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Business, 2019. Presentations2019
M.*, Audu, et al. “Co-Products and Biofuels from Guar and Guayule Processing Residues”. ASABE Annual International Meeting, 2019. Presentations2019
C, Dong, et al. “Transcriptome Analysis of Guayule Reveals Rubber Biosynthesis pathways’ Response to Drought Stress”. SBAR Annual Retreat, 2019. Presentations2019