S.V, Angadi. Sustainable Bio-Economy for Arid Regions: Growing Guar. Extension Field Day. Clovis, New Mexico. 9 August. 2019. Presentations 2019
S.V.*, Angadi, et al. “Crop Diversification for Sustainable Soil and Water Resources Use in Semi-Arid Regions of USA”. XXI Biennial National Symposium of Indian Society of Agronomy, 2018. Presentations 2018
Angadi, S.V., et al. “Multiple Approaches to Sustain Ogallala Aquifer in the Southern Great Plains of the United States of America”. Agrosym 2018, 2018. Presentations 2018
Brown, K.S., et al. “Microbial Contributions to Soil Health: Optimizing Guayule (Parthenium Argentatum) Production in an Arid Environment”. SWESx Earthday Symposium, 2018. Presentations 2018
D.E.M, El-Shikha. “Update – Guayule Irrigation Experiments at Maricopa Agricultural Center”. SBAR UA Research Team Seminar Series, 2018. Presentations 2018
D.S.L, Hoare. “Irrigation Sensors and the WINDS Model”. SBAR UA Research Team Seminar Series, 2018. Presentations 2018
Mealing, V.S. “An Overview of Sustainability Analysis Methods of a New Biofuel Feedstock: Bagasse from Guar”. 6th Colorado School of Mines Graduate and Discovery Symposium, 2018. Presentations 2018
Mealing, V.S., et al. “Life Cycle Assessment of Cultivating Guar in the American Southwest”. LCA XVIII Conference. [poster] Won Second Place in Graduate Student Posters, 2018. Presentations 2018
Mealing, V.S., et al. “Life Cycle Assessment of Cultivating Guar in the American Southwest”. National Society of Black Engineers, Fall Regional Conference., 2018. Presentations 2018