2018 SBAR Retreat


Midnight – 11:50 p.m., Aug. 2 – 3, 2018
Thursday, August 2, 2018 - 9:00am to Friday, August 3, 2018 - 2:00pm

The 2018 SBAR Retreat took place at the University of Arizona in Tucson. It was an exclusive opportunity for 85 SBAR partners, researchers, leaders, and others interested in building a sustainable bio-economy in the arid Southwest to meet in person. Progress reports for each research component were presented; future research strategies were determined; leaders and students were able to connect with others working on the SBAR project; participants gained insights and new ideas for continuing work; and everyone left inspired to take action that will lead to positive project outcomes.

Participants Learned – Were Inspired – Will Lead the Future

Student Poster Contest

Students from all SBAR Components and institutions participated in the inaugural Student Poster Competition hosted during the 2018 SBAR Retreat. The posters were on display for the duration of the two-day meeting, and were judged by the SBAR Advisory Board members in attendance. Congratulations to the 2018 Student Poster Winners!


Undergraduate Student Poster Winners

  1. Megan Bennett, University of Arizona
  2. Esai Lopez, New Mexico State University

Graduate Student Poster Winners

  1. Hailey Summers, Colorado State University
  2. Brian Treftz, New Mexico State University


SBAR Retreat – Draft Agenda


University of Arizona, Environment and Natural Resources Building (ENR2)